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The Sustainable Hair Stylist Blog

Your 5 first steps to transform your hair salon into a sustainable hair salon

Jun 04, 2024

Your 5 first steps to transform your hair salon into a sustainable hair salon that not only will create an impact for you it will also cause a ripple effect on your community and the world with the choices that you start to make as a sustainable hair stylist that shows that you care. 

1 .Find your own why! 

The very first step to transform your salon into a sustainable hair salon is for you to really understand why do you want to have a business that is sustai nable?

What is really the reason for yourself?

The more clear you can become about what is your why, the easier it will be for you to star to implement changes.

Holding on to your why is what will also attract even more of the clients that is interested in a sustainable salon because people want to get to know you and your story behind your why.

2.What part of your bussiness and life are you wasteful?

When it comes to running a salon that is sustainable it has not only to do with what you do in your salon,...

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[Serene Flow Mantra] “I’m worthy of letting go of the things that are stressful for me!”

May 30, 2024

When was the last time you sat down and really checked in with yourself about how you are feeling in general? If you feel that there are things in your life that are stressful for you, write that out for yourself. 


It is so easy to add more and more things to our list of things to do, the things that we need to do and also the things that we want to do. But what happens when there is just too much that is pulling you into a million different directions at the time? 


That is when overwhelm and stress can start to take  hold of you!


Society has increasingly embraced the idea that the more we do, the better, and that we should cram in so much and be able to take care of so many clients.


This weeks, Serene Flow mantra is: “I’m worthy of letting go of the things that are stressful for me!”


I wish for you to start looking at your life and your business from a new perspective. Do your check-in. How are things really...

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How to handle stress as a hair stylist

May 28, 2024

One of the things that has become a normal thing in the beauty industry is stress, as a hairstylist it is something that we should do, cram everyone and everything into our day. 


This is something that I think that we should put a change to, now it is time to start to invite a more holistic approach into our hair styling business.


For a while it is ok to have a certain amount of stress in our bodys, but one day it might hit you with a tonne of bricks and you might not be able to handle the type of stress levels as you use to. 

Allow me to guide you on how you can shift any situation that you feel is stressfull for you as a hairstylist and shift this. 

Follow along in this video training and follow the steps and you will see how you can shift from the inside and out.

Sending you lots of love


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Hair Stylist, here is how to Shift a toxic situation with a hair client

May 26, 2024

When we are working as hair stylists it is so easy to get stuck in toxic situations with our clients, it can be both our own fault and it can also be our clients fault. 

If you as a hairstylist feel that you are stuck in a toxic situation with a hair client and you feel that it is time to shift the toxic situation with your client then I want to guide you through the Toxic client framework where I will teach you how you how remove your toxic situation with a client.

Learn how to shift any toxic situation that you might have with a hair client, I will walk you through the full framework in The Sustainable Hair Stylist Podcast, listen to the full episode here: https://www.serene-flow.com/podcasts/the-sustainable-hair-stylist-podcast/episodes/2148641745 and allow me to guide you to remove any toxic client situation that you might fall into in the future.


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Are You a Hairstylist Not Showing Up on Social Media? Here's Why

Nov 05, 2023

What is the real reason why as a hairstylist is not showing up fully on social media?

Could it be that you are affraid of what people will judge you?

Or it might have already happend that one of your family members have already had a discussion with you around what videos and photos you have put out on social media, becoming the talk of the family party.

If you have these thoughts, you might even have people that are trying to push you down, it can even be people that are close to you that are making remarks on your social media content.

I give you permission to block all of the people that you know are not cheering you on.

Remember the only people that matters is the dream clients that you have, you are creating content for them and not anyone else!

Save this as a reminder!


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5 benefits to why you as a hairstylist should have a Black Friday Offer

Oct 11, 2023

Black Friday is not just for big-box retailers and tech giants; it can be a golden opportunity for hairstylists too. If you haven’t yet considered crafting a special Black Friday offer, now is the time to start. Here are five compelling reasons why a Black Friday offer can significantly benefit your hairstyling business.

You might feel that there is so many differnt things going on for you in your business and in you life that crafting a Black Friday offer might seem overwhelming. You might feel that it is to late, you might feel that your clients are not intrested in what I have to offer they are already clients.

I get it, for the longest time I was hesitant towards crafting Black Friday Offers but I really shifted my thoughs around this when I   tryed it out.

What happend for me is that I noticed that people that had not come in for a while came back, I generated alot of new revenue on those akward times that we all have in our calender that do not seem to fill up.


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[The Sustainable hair stylist podcast] Get to know Ann-Marie and her intention with The Sustainable Hairstylist Podcast

Oct 01, 2023

Get to know Ann-Marie the host of The Sustainable Hair Stylist Podcast  

In this podcast episode you will hear Ann-Marie sharing a bit of her story to why she has a huge passion for sustainability and why she does what she does.

One of her ways of looking at the world is how can I make sure that the day that I leave this planet I will leave it better then when I came here, how can I wake people up to start to make more conscious choices each day and make sure that they make a positive impact on the world as well.  

Here is what you will learn in this episode:

  • How can I find a solution to whatever issue that I'm having in my life?
  • How can you be a role model for others and become the person that models the change that you wish to see in the world
  • How you as a hairstylist can impact your clients in a huge way
  • How we all can start to create a new world together
  • Are you willing to be apart and create a new conscious revolution?
  • Why Ann-Marie moved away from working with hair...
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[The Sustainable hair stylist podcast] Introduction to The Sustainable Hair Stylist Podcast

Oct 01, 2023

Welcome to The sustainable hairstylist podcast!

In this episode you are going to get to know Ann-Marie Christell a hairstylist with +20 years of experience behind the chair and a coach for hairstylist that wants to grow their business without having to stand longer hours behind the chair and have time to live a life beyond their wildest dreams.

You will get to know what the sustainable hairstylist podcast will be about and you will learn what intention that Ann-Marie has put into the podcast.

Never forget you are just not a hairstylist that are doing hair, you are helping transforming peoples lives from the inside and out with the amazing work that you do, hold that close to your heart and any time you feel that you are looked down opon or you feel that I just do hair, you can help transforming people with who you are, how you hold the space for them and how you guide them while their are sitting in your chair.

Let's go on a journey together and help transforming the world with the...

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Marknadsföring för frisörer hur du kan fĂ„ mera kunder till din frisör salong

Sep 05, 2021

Som frisör så är det viktigt att vi har ett konstant flöde av nya kunder till våran frisör salong. Det är därför det är så viktigt att vi som frisörer lär oss hur vi kan marknadsföra oss på bästa sätt så att vi kan få in flera kunder till våran salong. Här svarar jag på flera frågor kring hur du kan använda sociala medier för att bygga få in nya kunder till din frisör salong. Har du frågor skriv dom gärna under denna video så kan jag svara på dom!

Har du frågor kring ditt företag? 

Tveka inte att höra av dig på [email protected] 


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Words of Wisdom From A Marketing & Business Strategist in the Beauty Industry

May 10, 2021


This month I was invited to speak in "The Lash Podcast" https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-lash-podcast/id1518939105

I had a lovely chat with Sam Clancy about how you can rebuild your business in 2021 and what your future clients wants to hear from you to dare to book an appointment with you.

Find the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/33-words-wisdom-from-marketing-business-strategist/id1518939105?i=1000520108564


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The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!