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The Sustainable Hair Stylist Blog

Are you letting what other people think of you controlling your life?

Apr 15, 2021

When we live our lives we are faced with different choices on a consistent basis, where to live, what school to go to, what degree to take, what is the next path in life to take and this happens over and over again in our lives.
Are you making choices of what you want to do in your life or are you letting yourself being controlled but what is expected from you or do the things that people tell you to do.
You are important your own opinion matters and I wish you to do what you want in life.
Today I’m going to jump on a livestream and talk about this because I believe that you deserve to live your life to the fullest and I wish to give you some tools to do so.
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Adapt to the new normal and rebuild your business

Mar 31, 2021

1. Become aware of that things have changed.

2. What is it that you want to create for you and your clients for the future, what is your intention?

3. Clients want to feel seen, understood and safe - how can you create that for them?

4. How can you get out of fear and into love, to hold a safe space with each and every client that you have?

5. What is your way of communicating this with your clients?

6. How to find calm each day and focus on what you want to have come into your life.

7. What intention you put out into the world is what will become attracted into your life.

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How to find motivation when you feel drained

Feb 09, 2021

Do you feel that you are looking and waiting for the thing that might bring your motivation back to you when you do not see anything change and shift?
I want to help you find your motivation when you feel drained and when you migh feel that you are out of energy and you rather sit and watch netflix when you know that there are things you could do with your time that will get you one step closer towards your dreams.
In this video I will give you tools and mindset shifts that you can make in order for you to take steps towards finding your motivation so that you can start to show up in the world in a better way.
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Learn the one thing that is holding you back as a hairdresser

Jan 19, 2021

Do you want to learn what is the number one thing that is holding you back from getting the clients and revenue that you as a hairdresser always dreamed of? 

Most of you would guess that it might be that you do not have enough time, not have enough clients, I'm not good at marketing... and the list goes on and on. 

Watch the video and I will guide you to the number one thing that is holding you back from having your dreams become a reality! 

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5 strategies to bring in more clients to your business

Nov 12, 2020

What I have heard from people in my community is that many of you are wanting to bring in more revenue in your business the last two months of 2020.

In this training I'm going to give you 5 different strategies that you can implement in your business already today to bring in more revenue already now.

Join in on the training and choose one strategy that you want to implement and take action, it is by taking action that you will see results.

Let me know what action step are you going to take and let us know the results!

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What is stopping you to go for your dreams?

Nov 14, 2018
The other day I started to think about one of the things that I always ask all my clients that come to my salon to get their hair done and also to all my students.
Why do you want to have dreadlocks?
How long have you been thinking of getting dreadlocks?
The most common answer is:
“I’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking about getting my hair done for years but there has always been something that has been in my way, something has been stopping me.”
When I ask more about it, usually the person doesn’t know what’s been holding them back.
I got this urge to film a video, when I was walking to the salon on a windy November morning, about what it is that is standing in your way to achieve your dreams?
I wish for you to go for your dreams and don’t let anything hold you back!
You deserve the life that you have always dreamed of!
Lots of Love,
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The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!