19 999,00 SEK

Dreadlocks frisör företags coaching

Is it about time that you take your loctician business to the next level, to work smarter and not harder and have a longer waiting list of people coming to get their hair done? 


You deserve to get more out of life and you deserve to be able to take that Holliday of your dreams and make everything that you have going for you in a bigger way.


As a creative person you might want to push away the full business part and strategic plans that you know that you should do but you feel overwhelmed even hearing people talking about it. 

You might even think why should I even think about that stuff that I think is boring when I just want to be creative with my clients all day long the thing that really gives you joy and energy.


I totally get you, I know becuse I have been in your shoes and I have been there. Something shifted for me and it was that I feelt like I wanted to scale my business and I wanted to have some time over and I wanted to be able to take my dream holidays at least one time per year. 


With a few years of studying our industry and learning every marketing tool needed and understanding what it is our clients really want I managed to take my business from a revenue of $50K to $100 by just doing hair alone in a year by following along in a proven system that I had created. My waiting list grew longer and I started to say now to the clients that I did not feel were right for me. 


You deserve this to, becuse running a loctician business we have to learn how to work smarter and not harder and have time to enjoy life aswell and not let your business run our life.


One to One loctician coaching


By working individually with you I will guide you and help develop a process for you that will take you to your goal. 


I’m here to help you to make this be an easy process for you! 


The different areas that you can choose to work from is:

  • Going through your dreadlocking techniqes
  • Pricing strategy
  • How to stand out in the market space
  • Scaling your business
  • A selling website
  • How to use video to attract more clients
  • How to use photos to attract more clients
  • Social media stategy
  • Money mindset
  • And more to choose from 
  • Start an education
  • Start a commerce business

We start with a introduction call 2,5 hours where we will lay the ground work of what it is that you want to have out of working together with me and a strategy will be planned out for the next 12 (1 hour) coaching calls every week. In between the coaching calls I will be there to answer questions through email.


One on one loctician business coaching 

Pricing: $1997

3 month Coaching 

3-months of support and weekly coaching calls

Email support between sessions