Welcome to marketing tip Friday for hairstylists. So today's episode is all about goal setting. And if you are working as a hairstylist, you are probably setting goals both in your business and in your private life. And today I'm going to talk all about how you can actually achieve those goals. So what I have learned over the years, I've been working as a hairstylist for over 26 years, and I struggled with goal setting for a very, very, very long time, it was really, really hard for me to actually get from the idea, the actual goal, to actually make that into reality, because I actually found that just writing it down, Dreaming it up. That was the fun thing. But then what is the next step, the execution, the changes? That was where I actually struggled the most. And the sad part is sometimes I got so bored with it that I actually forgot my dream. And that's really sad. And one of the things that I was doing, I set a goal, and then I didn't change anything. I was just approaching this goal from the same way I was doing business before, the same way I've been living my life. And if your goal is something different than what your business or life looks like at this very moment, probably some change needs to happen. You need to do something differently. You need to make a and for me, the real magic happened when I actually learned how to take goal setting together with manifestation and use both of these tools together. That was when my life changed, my business changed, and it's all about understanding what is going on in our mind, if you are listening to the podcast at this very moment, I'm pointing to my head. So we all have a program running around on automatic pilot in our heads that is called our subconscious mind. So from when you were born until now, your subconscious mind have learned how to react, how to respond, what is possible for you, all of that is running on autopilot in the back of your head, and actually is the thing that makes you react or respond, or even what is possible for you is controlled by this program that is in your subconscious mind. So who has made this program all the people that you've had around you what their beliefs have been, what their ideas have been, all of that has created this program so the people around you has created of how your brain is working and how Your brain is telling you what is possible for you and what is not possible for you, and it's running everything. It's a shit show in there. And what is going on in your head at this very moment will actually determine what steps you're going to take, because it goes on automatic. It's how you feel, it's how you respond to things, how what you believe is possible for you, all of that, it just goes on automatic. You're being triggered by something. Something's happening here, and we have to remember we were hunters and gatherings gatherers from the very beginning, and the subconscious mind was made for us to keep ourselves safe. There's a lion over there. You have to be safe. And now maybe, if you have big goals that the people that you were growing up with never think is possible, then what is the program going on here? And how do you know what the program is? Just hang out with these people that you've been growing up around for an afternoon, you will actually see what are they talking about in what way are they saying things? Things. If you come up and say, Hey, I'm going to start this business, or I'm going to implement this change into my life, or I'm going to do this, you're going to get an automatic response, an automatic response from them on their own program. So it's really easy if you do not know yourself, just see how do does these people react when you say something about anything really so let's say that you you are a magnet. Your own energy will either attract your goal or repel it. And if you want to really get towards your goal super fast, your own energy has to match up with your goal, and everything that is going on in your subconscious mind, in your program must 100%
believe. That it is possible for you and your energy must match your goal, and the faster you can reprogram your subconscious mind, yes, you can do this, the faster you work on your own energy and rise your energy levels that matches your goal, all of a sudden you will start to live in that reality. So in what way can you as a hairstylist, use goal setting and manifestation together in your life and your business? So let's say you are a hairstylist and you want to double your revenue, this is a great way to use these tools in order for you to get there. If you want to get more clients, you can use this as a tool. If you want to get different type of clients, let's say that you want to become specialized in something, and you want to raise your prices, of course, we have to work on what is going on all the beliefs that we have in our subconscious mind. We need to reprogram them so that you actually don't freak out when you are asking for that higher price. You have to up level your service, you have to do all of these things in order for you to really feel 100% worthy of that new price and also feel that I got this then all of a sudden, you will see a huge shift going on in The amount of money coming towards you because you know it is going to happen. Let's say you want to change things in your salon. You want to take your salon into new direction. This works great. Maybe you want to buy your own salon. Manifestation and goal setting is amazing for this. Maybe you want to create your own brand that is you attracting things into your life that is great for using manifestation and goal setting, and one of the key aspects when it comes to really getting your dreams to become a reality is a question for you. So you have your dream, ask yourself, what is demanded by me for this to become a reality. For me, you're not living your dream at this very moment, because you have not yet become a match towards that dream. And when we're using goal setting in manifestation, there is a lag that it takes some time before from the idea for it to actually come into your life, and sometimes there's a lot of different things that needs to fall into place for it to work. And the next thing is, we need to shift our mindset. We need to shift the program that is going on in our heads. We need to up level our own energy, and then each and every single day, we need to connect with our goal, shift our energy and take inspired action every single day, and piece by piece by piece, we actually see things happening in our lives and things changing, and a key mindset shift is that you are already living your dream life. You're already having your dream business, depending on what it is that you are going to create for yourself, stepping into the idea that is a it has already happened, and stepping into the energy of who it is that you are in that version of yourself, if you feel that you want to take your life and your business to the next level. In December, I'm hosting a workshop called Your Best Year boot camp. Life where I am going to guide you through the system of actually claiming your goal, understanding what it is that you want your life to look like, understanding what it is that you want your business to look like, learning how to reprogram your mind, working through everything that is standing in your way and having a template for you to connect with your dream every single day and take inspired action each and every day until your dream is reality, secure your seat now and get the ultimate guide on how you can create your dream life and your dream business. You can find the link to sign up in the show notes down below, or in the link if you're watching YouTube and I'm looking forward to guide you to the next version of your business and the next version of your so dream big. And I'm looking forward to see all of the ha moments that you are going to have going through this boot camp. Bye for now.