Hi. I'm super excited about today's episode, and today I am going to talk about going into 2025 with new energy. So I know in December and then the beginning of January, like all over social media, and all over media, people are talking about setting your goals, setting the new you, creating a new version of you. And I am recording this episode on the 12th of January, and I think most people, by the 12th of January has gone back to their old ways of being, or their old business goals, etc, and it is because A lot of people are not really checking in with themselves of what is it, what happened last year? And you know, I'm all about balance. I'm all about both checking what is working in your business and what is working in your private life, what is working for you, what is your energy, and what is it that actually is not working? The more we can look at the things that are not working, and we can either change that or remove these things, so that you can have room for something new. When we want to create something new, we need to be able to create space for that. We need to to let go some things. It can be a belief. It can be the way that you are acting, the way that you're doing business, the way that you are showing up with your family. If you want something new, there must be something that needs to be changed in order for that new to happen. And the new things won't happen until you are aligned with that. So if you want 2025,
to be a new
way for you to live or a new way for you to run your business, you are really, really in the right space, because it's so easy
to just live our life
like we do, we go to work, we do our work, and then we come home, and then we do the same thing over and over again. Today, I want to talk about really, really checking in with yourself and shifting some energy. So if you are the person that want something new or something more in your life and in your business, then some reflecting needs to be done. So a question you can ask yourself is, what has your gear looked like? What is it that has been working and what is it that has not been working for you. So I would write down what has been working in my life, what has been working in my business, and write down everything that has been working, and then what has not been working in my business, and what has not been working in my life, and what what I'm talking about what is not working. It can be you have a client that is training you. Maybe you have a service that you feel annoys you. Maybe you have a habit in your personal life of binge watching something, or you do things in the last minute, etc, etc, etc. So the more you can get an understanding of these things, the better, because it's when we get an understanding of something that we can actually create change it. Is there something you need to stop doing in your business. Is there any services that you want to remove or change? Do you have any clients that you feel that you want to let go of, or maybe you have some clients that are overstepping your boundaries or take you for granted in some way. In what way do you need to put your foot down so if you want to have any change with any clients that are overstepping a boundary or really annoy you? In some way, what is it that is irritating to you? Or what kind of boundary did they cross? What kind of new boundary do you have to set up, and in what way do you need to communicate this with them, so that the relationship can change? And the more you can become clear of this or an either have a real one on one conversation next time you meet this person, or maybe you need to send an email or a text or do a phone call. But when we want to have change in our lives. Usually we need to set a new boundary. So the question is, what is the new boundary? And how can you communicate this? And how can you get an okay from the client that, yes, I have understood this, yes, I understand that this is the new thing, and you always want also to let them know that this is not personal. This is just your new way of doing business. A huge thing is to ask yourself, is there anything that is causing stress for you, this is both in your business and
in your private life.
Write down if you have anything that is causing you stress. Is there anything that is draining for you? So is there any tasks, things that you're doing, both in your business and in your private life, that actually sucks the life force out of you, or makes you get tired, or things that you just feel like you never get enough of, like you You don't want to do these things. So the next question is, what is it that you can change or remove? In total, we always want to look at, okay, if we have something that is draining for us, why is it draining to us? In what way can you change that is there benefits of letting this go? And if it is something that is super draining for you, can you see connections to other patterns in your life where the same thing has been going on? Because usually we have patterns in our lives. Usually things happen over and over again until we actually have learned the lesson. So is there a pattern that you are stuck in and remember when things are not working for you, it's actually okay to change things. It's actually okay to have honest conversations with people. It's actually okay to change things just because you have done things in your life in a certain way before, doesn't mean that you have to continue to do it the same way over and over again. What is the marketing strategies promotions that you have done that has really worked well and that you want to continue to do? So look at all of 2024 what has really worked well to drive clients into your salon, and what are the marketing strategies and promotions that did not work for you? That's a big one too, and when you write them out, the second question there is, what was it that made it not work?
Was there something that wasn't clear?
Could you have changed something in a different way? And the third question here is, can you test it again with some tweaks, or do you want to remove this kind of marketing strategies so the more clear you can be around all of these and really journal around these questions. And I will put these questions in the show notes so that you can write them out, sit down and make sure that you are alone and follow along and find the right, right answers for you. If you need to come back to these questions over some time, over a few days a week, that is totally great, because it. Is when we start to come contemplate around what's truly not working in our lives. It's when we get an understanding of how I can change this. How can I create something new for myself? And I know that it takes some level of listening within. It takes some level of determination, but if you are the person that truly wants to have change in your life, and you are willing to take the challenge and listen within
you can start to co create your life and your business together with the universe, because when we get an understanding of these are the things that's not working for me, these are the things that's not working in my business.
And you change them,
you also shift the energy from being something that might be draining, being something that's sucking life force out of you, being something that is holding you back, to something that lifts you up. And remember your own energy is something that people can feel. It's something that you cannot put your finger on, but it's actually something you can feel. And maybe someone won't book an appointment with you because your own energy is a bit off, or you have a feeling of something is not right. So how do we shift the energy?
And you can do this in many different ways.
I want you to look at the list and ask yourself with the things that are feeling negative or draining
is, can I remove this from my life?
If you have a yes, what is the easiest way of doing this? If you cannot remove this, then how can you shift my own relationship with this. Is there something positive? Let's say there is a service that you offer, but you can't really remove that. Is there something positive around it? Maybe you're making a lot of money, or you have some great clients that actually come to you for this service, or there is something else positive around that, and how can you approach this service in a different way? So we all have thoughts and ideas about things if we want to change, maybe shifting your own belief towards that thing can be something that also helps you shift your energy. So to shift our own beliefs, we can look for proof that this is working for someone else, or someone else is looking at this situation from another point of view.
So the more we can find proof,
let's say
it's easy to use social media to attract new clients. Or you maybe believe it's hard to use social media to attract new clients. Two different situations, you can choose what you believe, and you can shift from one or the other
and find proof around you,
because I guess you want it to be easy to attract new clients through social media. How can you find proof that other people are doing this, and take one step towards that idea every single day, then you are creating a new belief. What I like to do when I have a problem is to ask myself to really I to go deeper and ask myself, what is it that I have learned from the situation, and what is my own warning sign within myself when this thing happened? So we
always have
some signs that. Products are coming up for us, and it can be small, it can be different. And the other day, I was at an event here in France with all local people,
and a woman came
up to me, talking to me, and
it was all about, I need to learn to speak French. I'm looking for someone to tutor me. And she heard this, and I just got this awkward feeling that this woman thinks I'm weird. This woman looks at me like a UFO. That was how she made me feel when I was then there talking to her, and that's like one of my warning signs when I start to feel uncomfortable, I start to feel awkward, I start to feel like things are happening in your My body. So what are your own warning signs towards things in any given situation? Why you want to know this is because the next time it's happening like I know that this woman is not the right person for me to teach me French, and that is something I have to listen to, because otherwise, if I go into a New situation,
it probably won't work for me.
So the deeper you can go into the situation. So what can I learn from this lesson? And what are my warning signs around this lesson? The easier you can move on, because if you don't learn the lessons from the things that are draining you, from the things that are not working in your business, the things that are working in your life. Usually, they end up happening over and over again until you get the lesson,
or you fall into the same
patterns again, over and over again. The next step is letting go. And the question is, what is it that you want to let go of? What is it that you want to change anytime I am in a situation where I feel I have to shift my own energy, I go on a power walk, or my favorite thing the last couple of months have been i We have a huge cherry orchard that is overgrown. So what I have done is I have gone out into the old, old, old cherry orchard, and I've been cutting down trees, and I've been moving trees that are super, super heavy, and I've been channeling the energy that I've been carrying into that. So garden work really works for me. Being out in nature, connecting with the nature, and doing something that moves my body really, really helps me to shift the energy in my body and shift whatever it is that I'm letting off, if you want to shift, any specific thing that you are doing is going on a power walk or jumping on a trampoline or running or riding a bike and thinking about this thing, and with your intention, during this walk or run or blah, blah, blah, I am moving this energy through me, so focusing in on Ann energy, and for every step that you take, I'm letting It Go. I'm letting it go, letting it go. And after a while, you will notice that the energy has shifted through your body. When you have come to this point of, okay, I have written all of this down, I have released the energy, then you come into the question of, what is it that you want to invite into the this year that is coming? What are the new things that you wish for you to actually attract into your new life? But it's not until you have done the check in and remove some of that energy that you feel is stuck, letting go of some things, maybe having some tough conversations, and remember if there. Is at some point where you need to have some tough conversations. I know that it can be hard, but it's usually really, really healing and very helpful to have these conversations, and it really helps you to shift your energy just so that you know that you deserve an amazing new year and stepping into it with some new energy. So if you haven't check in the show notes, allow my questions to guide you, listen within and dare to be truthful to yourself, because you are creating your life for you and only you, only you can create change in nothing external will shift that. Only you can shift that from within. And as always, I would love to hear your biggest aha moments. You can reach out to me at serene flow underscore on Instagram or via email at contact, serene hyphen flow.com and I'm looking forward to hear all of your aha moments if you know someone that is struggling that might need to hear this episode. Please share this so that the people that really need to hear this can get help from it. And I would love to hear what you think about the podcast. Please leave a review on Apple podcast so that we can get the show out to as many people as possible. I'm sending you lots and love. Hugs and kisses to you and see you again next week. Bye.