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Episode: 34 Go into 2025 with new energy

In this episode of The Sustainable Hairstylist Podcast , we're diving deep into creating a fresh, vibrant energy to take into 2025. While many set ambitious goals at the start of the year, by mid-January, most revert to old habits and routines. I’ll guide you through powerful reflection questions and actionable steps to help you identify what’s working, release what’s not, and realign your energy for the year ahead.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Reflecting on 2024:

    • What worked well in your business and life?
    • What didn’t work, and why?
    • Identifying patterns and lessons from the past year.
  2. Shifting Your Energy:

    • The importance of creating space for the new by letting go of the old.
    • Recognizing energy-draining tasks, clients, or habits.
    • Setting boundaries and having honest conversations when necessary.
  3. Practical Questions to Ask Yourself:

    • What has been working in my life and business?
    • What hasn’t been working, and why?
    • Is there anything causing stress or draining my energy?
    • What do I need to let go of, and how can I release it?
  4. Resetting and Reinviting New Energy:

    • Tools for shifting energy: journaling, walking, exercising, or spending time in nature.
    • Focusing on what you want to invite into 2025.
    • How to use intention and action to align with your goals.

Actionable Questions for Reflection:

  • What services or marketing strategies worked well last year?
  • Which ones didn’t, and can they be improved or eliminated?
  • Are there clients or habits draining your energy? How can you address this?
  • What boundaries need to be set, and how will you communicate them?
  • How can you use moments of discomfort or lessons learned to create positive change?

Energy-Shifting Practices:

  • Movement-based activities like walking, running, or gardening to channel and release stagnant energy.
  • Writing out reflections and committing to actionable steps for change.

Connect with Me:

Let’s Hear from You:
What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? Share your reflections and aha moments with me on Instagram or via email. If you know someone who could benefit from this conversation, please share this episode with them!


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The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!