Marketing tip for hairstylist with Heidi from Beauty and da beatz
My name is Ann Marie Christell. I'm a coach for hairstylist that wants to grow their business behind the chair without feeling overwhelmed or working longer hours behind the chair. I have over 20 years of experience working behind the chair, earning over six figures if you wish to make more money without working longer hours behind the chair and bring in spiritual and sustainable principles into your business and life when you are in the right place. In this podcast, I will mix business strategies, marketing tips, personal development, spiritual practices and sustainable ways of living and working. Welcome to the sustainable hairstylist podcast.
Hello, hello, welcome to marketing tips for hairstylists, and I really hope that this live stream will work. I had a bit of a technical difficulty last week, and today I am waiting for a guest to join me. I have Heidi that is going to join me, and we are going to talk about marketing tips. We're going to talk about how you can actually make more money through some different strategies. So I'm looking forward to have a chat with her. If you have any questions for us, please let me know in the comments, and we will go over those questions
through this, and
we just love to respond to any type of questions that you have regarding growing your business, getting more clients, making more money, getting the right type of clients, because we want to have more of the right type of people into our chairs, and that is so important, because having The wrong clients can really, really become very draining. But it can suck the life out of you so we can actually set up things in our marketing in order for us to really attract the right type of people.
Hi, guys, hi. How are you?
That's crazy here. I'm really good. How are you good? All the way from France, how crazy? Yeah.
Well, that's awesome. So can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Yeah,
so I have been doing hair for 18 years now, which feels like eons, but it has been a wild ride. I've done commission and I've done well now booth rent for about five years, so I really only been at like three salons my whole career, so I don't really move quite like a ton, but so yeah, so I started now where I'm at. I am booth renting. I work at a great space, tons of great girls. The owner of the salon is amazing. She has actually allowed me to start educating in the salon, yeah, which is kind of something that's been a bucket list like that I wanted to do for a really, really long time. And so I finally was like, Okay, I need to do it. And she was really supportive. And so I was like, okay, so probably I say three, four years ago, I did my first class, and my first year, I ended up doing three different classes in different locations. It was wild, like it kind of just jumped right in and it was great.
I guess that's the only way to do.
Yes, they were all balayage. And then this last year, I've been teaching, like, a little bit more, like business and how to grow your social media and like all that kind of stuff. So I've kind of like elaborated a little bit over
that, yeah, um, so Kristen for you, yeah. Do you any suggestions on, like, one strategy to actually build your clientele this year, that is maybe something different, comparing to what everyone else is doing,
building your clientele. So when I was at my last salon, it was a commission based salon, and I relied on a front desk to build my books for. Me, it was a very popular salon. A lot of women went there. So they built my books for me, which was, it was easy, but I wasn't getting the kind of work that I really desired. Yeah. So that was, that was kind of hard, and so that also is kind of like, what pushed me to go booth, so that way I could start attracting the people that I truly wanted to work with. So to be honest, this was also five years ago, and so back then, hashtags were a really, really big thing on social media. I don't know the status of them now, I've heard both that they're still valid. Some say they're not. Hashtags were my best friend. And it wasn't just like doing hashtags like blonde hair or anything like that. It was tagging my local city, the women that were in my local city. And because when I started getting new people reaching out, I would ask them how they found me, and they said through social media. So that's when I really started building my client's house. I started like, booking balayage, which is where my heart truly was. And so, yeah, that's that. That's kind of, I guess, probably maybe an old school way now. But that's really what built it, you know, five years ago, but now I'm knock on wood lucky. I'm at a point where I don't really take a lot of new clients. I mean, which is a good and a bad thing, like, it's good to have stability, but in the same sense, like you, sometimes it's good to have, like, a fresh, you know, a new client that kind of challenges you a little bit, yeah,
yeah. And I think you said, like the old school way. But what, what I think really works nowadays as well is if you have, like local restaurants or cafes or gyms, their social media going in and commenting on their things and interacting with the people that are actually interacting Where their stuff can actually be a more or communicate. Communicational way of actually getting people to see that you actually yeah, because that's really what we want. Yeah, it takes a little bit of a guts and it takes a little bit of a work from you, but we have to put ourselves out there in order for us to really get people to know that we
exist in social medias. Honestly, I think about 18 years ago, when I first started doing hair, where I was walking around the salon, giving hand massages, introducing myself, and it was a totally different world back, you know, yeah,
yeah. And I think we
build like, some people get overwhelmed with social media, and some people really love being on it, but I think as hair stylists, we have to shift our mentality around social media into that. It's actually a tool that we're using to attract the right type of people in our world. Yeah, it's
free marketing. I mean, I guess if you look at it that way, like, you know, I build my books pretty quickly through social media, and it is all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Yeah, 100% you have to like every I mean, even now I've been on social media like seven, eight years, I still have to remind myself, Okay, go on your stories. Be relevant. Show your face like people want to get to know you. They want to know your work. They want to know where you work. They want to know you know just everything that they can know about you and makes them more comfortable. And so you have to 100% put yourself out there. I agree, yeah, yeah.
And I think, as you say, they want to get to know you. It's also a way of them feeling comfortable to know who you are, yeah, because then when they actually come to the salon, they already like you and trust you, and they know what they want to talk about because they have these connection points. Yeah. And those clients, we can turn into loyal clients that will come to you forever. And I think that's the type of people that we want right 100%
yes. And then you get to a point in your career where you get to pick and choose. Do you know what I mean? You don't have to work weekends. You don't have to just take anything that walks through the door just to get a paycheck. Or, you know, so it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a lot of work. And that's, I think the biggest thing is such a turn off for a lot of people. When I, like, teach my class, my in person classes, people are just like, I just don't have the time to spend on social media. And I get it like, I already work full time. And I have two, two full time social media pages. I have two pages that I work on, and it's, it's a whole extra job, yeah, creating content,
yeah. And I, and I think
one thing that us as hairstylist actually need to put it in our mindset, is that part of our business is actually the marketing part, and actually book and schedule that into our calendars, because I think we're so focused on that I'm working in the salon, here, here, here, here, and all the other stuff I can do later, like when we're supposed to rest, yeah, but I think if we actually make that a part of our schedule, it's easier to actually show up for it and schedule out when you're creating content and all of that, because that makes you take it more seriously, rather than doing it in the sofa when the kids are watching TV. Yeah,
if you commit so I started to commit to like, three to four days a week, originally, I'm like, Okay, three to four days a week I'm going to commit to and I and it so back, like, with my family and stuff. Like, my husband's always, like, you're always on your phone. And I'm like, Listen, I am a like, I'm my own business. Like, you know, I have to be on social media. And so I said, You know what, if I need to schedule a time or say, Okay, after dinner every night for 30 to 45 minutes, I'm going to be on social media posting, and I had to schedule that timed away from my family to start doing that. So my scheduling was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. That's how I started. I'm kind of still in that last year I went crazy, and I was able to scale my account from 10,000 followers to 18,000 followers in a really short period of time, because I really started taking social media seriously, and I just I went crazy for about four months. So
what? What is the best tips that works for you? Then, post,
post, post, post, post every day, post every day, but not only. Posts every day. This one tip that I can give you that is the best when you're going to post a lot of the times, you have to think about, are you trying to attract clientell, are you trying to educate hairdos?
Yes, yeah. So with two different people, right? Exactly.
So when I put my posts out, because I'm not necessarily trying to attract clientele anymore. I love to educate. It's just who I am. So that's a lot of what my page is about. So, and because I'm still doing classes like, I want to touch hair, you know, reach hairdresser. So I when I do my post, it really is based on drawing, educating, educating. So, so when you think about you're going to do a post, you know, putting a hook in there, yeah, um, across the screen is really, you have literally a split second to grab their attention. So either your picture or your video is going to be super attractive, right off the bat, yeah, or you need a hook that is going to draw them in. And if you're going to make the hook, you want to make the hook about them, yeah, what do they want to know? What? What? How would you, you know? How would it attract you if you were looking, you know? So, like, the big thing is how to root melt, you know, or how to do a money piece. Those things are like, people are always looking for new ways to educate, and you have to make your hook very attractive to them where they want to stop and watch a video.
Yeah, and I think
a lot of hair stylists are not even posting videos or and they're not using hooks either right to to to actually draw people in and and that we we only have a few seconds until Yeah, it's called because
our attention span is very Yeah, yeah,
yeah. Sometimes I wonder what happened to my
brain. Yeah, so you are doing some things through Amazon to make some extra money, right? Yes. Can you tell us
about it? Yeah, so where Amazon kind of came into play was, like, I don't know. Years ago, I signed up to be an Amazon associate, which just essentially means that you get a link through Amazon that you can share with friends and family. And if they click your link and they go purchase what you have, you earn a commission. Yeah, so I had it for years. I just kind of casual. You would put it out there and stuff. Or if a friend asked, Hey, what's the best curling iron to use, or something like that, I would have the Amazon I would give my Amazon link, and I would actually make money off the purchase. And I didn't do anything. I just, you know, I just sent the link. It takes seconds. So the Amazon Associates Program is actually really easy to get approved for pretty much anybody can, and it's usually instant. You usually are able to get your link. So when I was educating last year in digital marketing, I started to learn about automation and like all these things, and so I this was during that trial period of that four months where I was posting every day, just taking everything I learned, and was going crazy, so I did a reel about a rotating camera where I think the hook was something along the lines with I thought I needed an assistant, until I found this, yeah, and so that created curiosity, just in its own self. So people that the reel ended up going viral. And in that reel wasn't just like I showed, I demonstrated how this thing worked. Number one, number two was actually affordable. It was like under 40 bucks. And I had so many people asking for this link. And I was like, okay, so it wasn't even on purpose. Like, I was like, Hey, I'm, you know, like, I might get a couple people that asks for it. Well, the real went viral. I ended up making almost $1,700 off of one reel from one, Link. So I waited three months. I reposted it again. It went viral again, and I ended up making $900 off the second one. And again, I didn't do anything. I wish I had my automation set up, because I had to manually write every single person, but it was like, eye opening to me, and I'm like, and it's not just about hairstylist, it's anybody that is looking to make an extra income. You know, it's a great way. Like, yeah, clients in in beauty is actually one of the higher paid percentages with Amazon, okay? And if the associates link? So if you have your associates link and you you send it to somebody and it brings them to Amazon, your commission rate is higher versus them already being on amazon shopping. So that's really, really great as well. Amazon also has another program that's called their influencer program. So this one's a two step, two step process, and it is a little bit harder to get approved for. So that's kind of what led me to creating the Amazon influencer Academy, because there is a process to both of these. And I know a lot of people are like, oh, I want to know how to do this, but I don't know where to start. So it just made sense to me to create, like a little course or a guide for people. So in this course, I you have like a little video intro to every single step that you have to do. And then the guide portion of it is all written out. And there's, we have the exact links to where you have to go to apply for each one of these programs. So it makes it super easy. We share all of our my husband and I share all of our like, top tips and tricks and like how we make money, what Amazon's looking for. So the first portion you're going to do is on site commissions, where you actually are going to create a storefront. So it's kind of like your own little website within within Amazon. So somebody comes to Amazon, they're looking at your clothes, your hot tools, you recommend your hair products, like some of your favorite things. And it's great because you can put anything you want, all of your favorites in that storefront, so they can shop your storefront. And then there's the second portion, which is where you apply for the reviews. So the reviews, this is the hardest part to apply for. You only get three attempts, and they're really strict about what they're looking for. So we go over like, all the things that they're looking for, the tips and tricks on how to submit your videos. But if you do actually get, like, approved for it, and again, you can apply three times. If you actually do get approved for it, you can go on and do reviews for anything like anything, and it doesn't have to be sold on Amazon, or you didn't have to buy it from Amazon. As long as Amazon sells it, you'll make commission on it. So like say, this mouse like I got from Walmart, but I. Amazon sells something that's similar. I just go on to Amazon, I look for this particular mouse, and I link it in my storefront, and I do a review on it, and I can make commissions on it. So you can do anything in your house, beauty related, or whatever you choose. It can be clothes fashion, and you'll you can make money on it. So one of the coolest things, though, that I absolutely love about this is that if somebody goes to your storefront, or you give somebody one of your links, and they're on your link, but they go and they buy toothpaste and they buy paper towels and they buy, you know, whatever they buy, a whole grocery list full of stuff, you will make money on the entire purchase, not just your link, which is huge, yeah, like, somebody bought a TV, and we ended up making commission on a TV, and it wasn't even a review that we, we did. So there's just, there's a lot of great ways to make money. They have different programs again, and we just, we put a little guide together, a little course to help walk anybody through, you know, to make it a little less confusing and overwhelming. So it, but it is. It really is a great way to make extra money. And like I said with my reel, I wasn't I was not expecting that. I was actually kind of mind blown that it was still making money three months later. It's just crazy. But Amazon really is a great tool, like I said, not just for hairstylist, but like anybody you know, yeah,
and I think it's also a good option, because I know a lot of hairstylists that have, like, salon suites and so on. Maybe can't afford to bring in, like, a huge stock of shampoos and all the products and so on, but you can actually probably make more money sending the link to the Amazon then actually doing all the work and taking in all the products into the salon and all of that. Yeah, that's 100%
definitely. And beauty, again, is one of the top paid commissions on Amazon, from what I've seen in the time that I've been on it, it's between, I'd say 10 maybe 15% so that's great. Yeah, that's huge. I mean, you think about it, most of the salons I've ever worked at, you gain 10% if you sell retail products. So you really have the potential. Again, you say you sell, you know, give your client the link to what a curling iron. But then again, they continue shopping. And then you may commit you made eight, nine, 10% on this entire purchase. It really is just, I know people that have quit their jobs and just do Amazon reviews for a living, that's how much potential earnings you can make with this. So it's pretty incredible, and it definitely has played like a great tool in, you know, this last year of my life when I really started taking social media seriously, yeah, yeah, for sure. And
because I think when we are on social media, we actually have to think about, what is the end goal? Like Ann, if we build a big following, what can we actually do to help them in a certain way? Yeah,
yeah. And that kind of goes to, like, if you say you do, get your Amazon link, and you start to really take social media seriously, and you start to grow your account. There's so many people that reach out to you. Oh, hey, my hair's been really dry. Like, what do you recommend? Send them your link. Yeah, utilize what you're putting your hard work into, you know what? I mean, you should be monetizing your social media account. Yeah. I mean, it should like, yes, it feels like a job. But essentially, if it's a job like, you should be making money from Yeah, you know? Yeah,
So how if someone would want to learn more about your course. How can they find it?
So in my link, in my bio, I have a stand store. My stand store is the my product host, yeah, you just go into my San and you'll see all my digital products that I've created. And you can just click on the Amazon influencer Academy, and it'll take you right to the course. Yep, yeah, we were. We did actually have it listed at $77 for a long time, but I had so many people reach out and just kept inquiring about it. And like I just said, You know what? I just want to make this affordable for people to go on. I want to make. Easy. So we just permanently lowered it to $47 just to help people get it out there, get the knowledge out there. So, yeah, that's in my bio. You just click it, go down, and you'll see the Amazon influencer Academy.
Yeah, and if you're listening to this on the podcast, I will also link the link into the show notes so that you can find it in an easy way.
Yeah, but I must go up too. So like you guys, you know you can always reach out for questions. I love sharing my knowledge, so I just Yeah.
what is the best suggestion, if someone would want to start off with this and they feel scared, what is Amazon?
So Amazon actually should make you feel less scared than social media, because you don't really have to face anybody unless you want to. And to be honest, the reviews, all the reviews that I've ever done, I don't show my face. I don't show my face. So it's not, you know, I just do a little voiceover. I talk about the product and why I like it, and I post it. It is so easy, you don't have to show your face. It's way less intimidating than social media. And then as far as the links. Like I said, I started the links, and I was like, just, it was more casual. You know what I mean, the link was casual. And at first I didn't start this, thinking I was gonna try to, like, make money off of it, and it just turned into that so, and I'm just realizing, honestly, what a gold mine Amazon can be for everyone, yeah, you know, yeah, but no, it should be less, way less scary and way less work than social
media. Yeah. Do you? Do? You have any good suggestions for people that are actually scared of showing their face on social media? With
me? Yeah, if you look, if you look, I didn't show me my face. I would come on my stories and stuff like that, but I never showed my face on social media in January. So I took my first digital marketing course last December, and I was like, You know what? This is really, really good information. Like, I need to test this. So I said I'm going to go all in. So I changed everything I every I did. All my videos were of me, like showing me either in the salon, working or giving tips and tricks. I stepped out of my comfort zone so much last year, like I said, I was like, I had already been on social media for seven years, and I only had 10,000 followers. I'm like, Okay, I need to start doing something if I'm actually showing up here. So I just took it serious. And I'm like, I'm going to start showing myself. I'm going to start educating. I'm going to just start posting every single day for, you know, three, four months and see what happens. And then I was totally blown away. I almost doubled my account in four months, and it took me to do in seven years. So yeah, again, it's, it is, you have to think about, what do you want? What do you want in life? I like, I'm 43 I would love, love to retire by the time I'm 50, if I'm going to do that, I need to start doing things that are outside my comfort zone. Yeah, 100%
sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And
I remember I started doing YouTube videos. It must be over 10 years ago. It may be 13 or something, but I remember I was actually literally crying for 30 minutes before I hit record on the first video. And I was so, so scared. And in the end, you can hear me going goodbye, and now I just like my I used to need to, like, prepare for a long time before I actually did something. And now my husband is like, you have really grown, because you can just put record and there's like, No, I don't react. I like, and if I mess up, I'm like, who cares? I don't really care about what people think. Yeah, it's more important for me to actually show up and share my knowledge and reach people. And for people out there, like, English is my second language, and it's that was one of the things that hold held me back for the longest time, because I thought that my English was not good enough. But I have realized that I speak better English than a lot of English speaking people you do.
So it's a.
It have all of those ideas in our heads that is holding us back. Yeah, but I think thinking about, if I dare to take the leap and do something, showing up, showing my face, what is possible then, in and for hair salads, it might be that you're struggling getting new clients in. If you start to show yourself on stories or start to do videos, start to educate about clients hair, you might start to become fully booked in my you might start to make more money. Maybe you can take your family on vacation. Think about, if I do this, what is possible then, and I think that is should be our driving force to push ourselves, because we deserve to have everything that we create. Yeah,
I agree. I think if you live scared, you'll never grow and get to those dreams that you that you wanted to and I've gotten to a point where I am like, I'm like, a go getter, but like, I constantly am stepping outside of my comfort zone. And to be honest, I I might be the only one that's never said this, but like, i i Welcome failure, yeah? And I because when I fail, when I fail, when I'm it allows me to learn, yeah, it allows me to learn things that maybe weren't the best, and how can I improve? And I just feel like, and I'm the same way, like I sometimes I'm like, Oh, hey, well, I want to share this, but like, I don't know if it's even a good enough point to go on my stories, or if it's even worth a story. So we are always in our heads. We are always talking ourselves down. It is almost like you have to learn the behavior of, you, know, pushing yourself to be better. Do you know what I mean? Like you said, you actually just inspired me, because I feel like I'm really trying to show up more of my stories and be present in those things. But like I hold myself back. I hold myself back. I feel like I have so much more that I would I want to say, but I I live that's some that's a place where I'm growing right now because I live in fear a little bit and that, and it might not come across that way, but sometimes it it does, you know, so. But the more you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, the more beautiful things happen. Yeah, I started social media, like I said, seven, eight years ago, and never in a million years I had three years ago, I had Moroccan oil approach, no, two years ago, and Moroccan oil approached me, little me. I wasn't even doing videos. I wasn't showing my face. It was just my work. They approached me and asked me to work with them as an influencer, yes, and I was totally blown away. And I actually almost turned it down, because I told myself every reason why I I wasn't good enough, right? Yeah. And I almost turned it down and I was like, You know what? No, I'm going to seize this moment. I'm going to take this opportunity. I'm going to learn from it, yeah? And I'm going to see what happens, right? Yeah, here we are going into my third year. They signed me for a second year, and now they just asked me to come back on for a third year. Yeah, had I not started social media, that wouldn't have happened, had I not put myself out there, that wouldn't have happened? Yeah, unexpected things come from, you know, just just pushing yourself, you know? So I totally agree with you. And eventually, like you said, now, now it becomes a little easier. Yeah, things start to feel a little easier. Like your podcast and your YouTube now feels you don't second guess when you're going on there. It's natural,
yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think we also have to remind ourselves who is it that we're actually speaking to, because they might need to hear a certain thing from you right at this very moment, and that is something we always have to remind ourselves of, that you're not just doing this for yourself, but you're doing this for the people that actually need to hear all of this from you right now, 100 and and like holding yourself back, you're not just hurting yourself, but you're hurting your potential clients or followers as well, because they might need that extra push to get their hair done, or they might need that extra push to be able to come and take a class. Because you have a unique voice, and everyone has a unique voice, and we attract the people that we deserve. You attract. Tried, yeah, and I think it's so important that we remind ourselves, and I know that some hairstylists feel overwhelmed when it comes to, oh, I this color wasn't so good, or this one, or that one, is doing this better, but it's, it's not about, I think, consistency, like showing maybe daily or three times a week or five times a week on social media, that you're actually creating these hairs. Yeah, build the trust if you're just posting once a month. You're, you're you're not building that trust with people because they didn't think then she doesn't have any clients, or he doesn't have any clients. So how can I trust that person?
You have to start messy. You have to start messy and just do it. I mean, if I look back eight years ago, I would cry at the pictures I probably posted, right? But that it's the beauty of what growth is. What growth looks like. You know, just like you said, we don't always show up for it's not just for ourselves, it's for others. And I, like, a couple days ago, woke up to somebody had sent me like, a little quote, and it said something like, you know, I just want you to know that I feel very blessed to know you, and that I think that just like you're doing so well, and you inspired me, and I was so taken back, number one, because we don't expect it. Number two, it was from somebody I never would have expected to send that on me, but that just proved to me that me showing up on my stories, me posting, you know, three to five times a week is resonating. It is inspiring others, and that is everything to me. Like I'm here to educate, I'm here to help you learn to be the best version of yourself. That is, that is my goal, 100% and like, in my classes, my in person classes, I just, I talk about, like, you know, it's all about positivity, it's all about changing your mindset. It's all about I can, I can, I can, not I can't. No. And when we start living in that mentality, the most beautiful things can happen. And so I talk a lot about you know that might having the right mindset and going into work and showing up every day, and how it truly can change your life.
Yeah. And I think one thing I can recommend is if you feel that there is a lot of people around you that are judgmental for you showing up on social media, I recommend to block these people, yeah, because then you don't have that thrown in your face when you're at a family dinner or when you're doing this and so on, because they are Not the people that you are meant to help 100%
Oh, always also ask advice, not from your family members or the people that are closest to you, but ask from people like like us that have actually created something that maybe you want,
because the
some friends and family neighbor members might be afraid of you growing out of their world, yeah, maybe you become too famous, or you do this and that, And I think it's so important to shield yourself from that kind of negativity, yes,
because it's just going to bring you down. You know, I a quick Funny story, but I had a tripod sitting next to my station, probably for three years. I was so intimidated to pull that out and set it up in the middle of the salon to record my work, because I was so afraid what everybody around me would think, Oh, who does he think she is? Do you know what I mean? But that was just me. That was just something I was telling myself. And so last January, when I decided to take my social media serious, I pulled that tripod out for the first time in three years. I set my phone up, and I just started. I started messy. I just started recording. And guess what? Here I am, a year later this month, and when I set that tripod up and I press record, I don't see anybody else around me. I don't see them anymore because I let, I let go of that fear in what anybody else thought. It didn't matter anymore to me. I just said I'm going to do this. And so now, now I just the most beautiful things have happened just from letting go of that fear, just saying I don't care anymore. I need to try. This, and now it's just second nature that I had this tripod set up in the middle of the salon nobody even thinks twice about anymore. But again, just stepping out of your comfort zone faith, just start messy. Allow yourself to just be messy. It does not have to be perfect. You just have to start Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Well, thank you for having this conversation with me. It was absolutely to have you on Yeah,
thank you. I so appreciate it. When you said you were from France, I was like, Oh my gosh,
yeah. Beauty of social
media. I LOVE IT people, yeah, like so, if people want to connect with you, how can they reach you?
So just my Instagram, which is at symbol beauty, a, n, D, A, B, E, A, T, z, so Beauty and the beats and you know, it's all about hair and positivity and being yourself and showing up and showing what you love to do and just being yourself, and, you know, set goals, and it's that I just, it's like my whole page. You know, that's great. Yeah, I thank you so much.
Thank you beautiful. Thanks you as well. I appreciate it. Bye, guys. You.